LRO DIVINER Regional Cumulative Product (RCP)

RCP – Regional Cumulative Product

Instrument:Diviner Lunar Radar Experiment

PDS4 Bundle:urn:nasa:pds:lro_diviner_derived1DOI: 10.17189/wj0s-w188

For more information about Diviner RCP products, see the RDR and Derived Product SIS.

For more information about all Diviner products, see the Diviner Archive Volume SIS.

The Diviner Lunar Radar Experiment Regional Cumulative Products (RCP) are derived from Diviner Level 1 RDR radiances binned at 128 ppd and 0.1 hours of local time from a compilation of all observations with emission angles <20° acquired from 5-July-2009 to 1-March-2021 as described in Williams et al., Earth Space Sci., 9, e2021EA001966, 2022. Each file contains a single header line followed by a line for each bin containing brightness temperatures derived from the binned radiance for the seven infrared channels and the bolometric brightness temperature as described in Paige et al., Science 330, 479, 2010. Each line represents the mean brightness temperature for each latitude, longitude bin and solar local time bin. The data set includes the Lacus Mortis region (22.5° E to 31.5° E, 41.5° N to 48.5° N) and split into 63 files representing 1° tiles of latitude and longitude. Files are ‘sparse’ in that bins that contain no data are excluded.

Diviner RCP products have the following file names:

REGION_[NAME]_CUMUL_AVG_CYL_[CENLAT][CENLON]_[RES].TAB (with detached PDS label accompanying it in the same directory, with the same filename except for the suffix which is .XML)


NAME is an identifier based on the regional nomenclature. Currently the RCP product contains only “LACUS_MORTIS”.

CENLAT and CENLON are the center latitudes and center longitudes of the 1° × 1° data tile. The center latitude is a two digit number followed by either an N for North or an S for South. The center longitude is a three digit number followed by either an E for East or W for West. For example, “42N023E”.

RES is a three digit number indicating the resolution of the data in pixels per degree. Currently the RCP product contains only 128 pixels per degree.

In ODE, GCP products have the following product IDs: